The preschool director works together with the Governing Council to develop future directions for their site.
For example:
- develop and approve preschool policies
- set the broad direction and vision of the site
- monitor and review the Quality Improvement Plan
- involve the local community
- consult with the preschool community and make sure their views are represented.
For more information visit:
Management of the centre
Through regular and spontaneous meetings, all families are encouraged to have an input in the running of the centre. Governing Council (GC) meetings are organised twice per term (the times are flexible to encourage more parents to attend).
The GC and parents actively voice opinions to support the best interests of the kindergarten. There are lots of opportunities for parents to be involved e.g. excursions, cooking, event support, gardening, showing their skills and or hobbies, preparing materials, but most of all working actively with their children.
All people who volunteer at the centre must have a police clearance and need to complete Responding to Abuse and Neglect’ training.
We ensure that the preschool is a friendly place where parents can feel welcome and appreciated.